Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Using The Method Ipa Is It Favors Open Ended Questions...

Qualitative In the examination of a topic as personal as changes in meaningful occupation, using the method IPA is going to enhance the researchers ability to complete an in-depth analysis in order to understand the individual’s experiences. An advantage of IPA is it favors open-ended questions with the view of gaining detailed descriptions about individuals lived experiences. It is frequently used in research concerned with identity and the individual’s sense of self as it favors in-depth analysis into important life experiences (Scotland, 2012; Smith Eatough, 2012). Under this approach the researcher needs to be aware of there own pre-understanding of the topic and how this personal understanding may influences the issues being researched (Borell, Nygard, Asaba, Gustavsson Hemmingsson, 2012). IPA studies use a small sample size, to ensure each individual’s experiences are analyzed in detail. The researcher needs to decide if they are going to give detailed analysis on one or two individual’s experiences or take a view of a larger group. Taking on a larger sample size runs the risk of becoming a superficial qualitative analysis due to the overwhelming amount of data (Smith Eatough, 2012). IPA is best suited to a flexible method of data collection such as semi-structured interviews. These interviews are participate led with guidance from the researcher using open-ended questions, which will produce meaningful and in-depth accounts of the topics being explored.Show MoreRelatedBranding in Clothing Industry22425 Words   |  90 PagesSummary 20 23 Chapter 3: Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical backgrounds 3.2.1 Review of different research traditions 3.2.2 Quantitative versus qualitative analysis 3.2.3 Reliability and validity of data 3.3 Justification of research method 3.4 Sampling 3.5 Interview schedule 3.5.1 Stage one 3.5.2 Stage two 3.5.3 Stage three 3.6 Administration 3.7 Analysis strategy 3.7.1 Grounded theory and its relationship to qualitative data analysis 3.7.2 Within-case and cross-case analysis 3.7.2Read MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pagesinternational management reflect this dynamism and the increasing unpredictability of global economic and political events. Continued growth of the emerging markets is reshaping the global balance of economic power. Many emerging markets continued to experience growth during a period in which developed countries saw their economies stagnate or decline. The global political environment remains volatile and uncertain, with ongoing conflicts in the Mi ddle East and Africa and continuing tensions in Iran, North

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